
Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility


Moore Concrete is committed to social value performance in our activities and are proud to have strong relationships with local communities. Moore Concrete itself is classified as an SME having under 250 employees and a turnover not exceeding £50m. Over 70% of purchases within our supply chain are from other SME’s. Over 90% of purchases are sourced within the island of Ireland, with an estimated 84% within a 40 mile radius of our offices & manufacturing facility in Ballymena, Co. Antrim, supporting local employment.

Investors In People


Moore Concrete is an accredited Investors in People Platinum Company and an Equal Opportunities Employer. We maintain positive relationships with local schools, colleges and universities, offering sponsorship and training opportunities in various forms. We offer employment, training and work experience opportunities throughout the community, contributing to the social and economic wellbeing in Northern Ireland. We also regularly support charities and groups throughout the local and wider community. 

We also have a number of apprentices/graduates across various areas of the business and work closely in collaboration with ICE, CITB, local schools, colleges and universities offering employment opportunities for graduates, apprentices and school leavers. 



The Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) with Queens University Belfast has been a long established scheme within Moore Concrete. Each KTP is a three-way partnership between a company, university and graduate. The programme is intended to bring new capabilities to a business or organisation in order to solve a problem that is unique to the company.

The company endeavours to maintain a diverse workforce involving a wide representation of the community, implementing any reasonable adjustments as necessary. The company provides translating services as required to employees who find this service beneficial, for meetings as well as documents/procedures for employees for whom English is not their first language. The company also provided notices on the premises which are written in different languages. The company offer and facilitate learning support for employees who benefit from this additional help.

We work closely with a wide range of neighbouring groups and communities, for example, Gleno Valley Young Farmers Club, CAFRE and Ballymena Rotary Club.

Moore Concrete is an ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 accredited organisation, and has obtained the RoSPA President Award in recognition of high standards of Health and Safety.


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