
Cattle Slats

Cattle Slats

Moore Concrete manufacture a comprehensive range of Concrete Cattle Slats as part of a suspended flooring system. Cattle Slats are available in a range of lengths up to 5000mm (16’5”), and axle loadings of up to 10 tonnes, to form slatted tanks. Contact us for more information on our Cattle Slat price.

Gang slats are a more economical and less labour-intensive option than straw bedding, particularly as animals housed on slats require 50% less space than those on straw yards.

SUREFOOT Cattle Slats

At Moore Concrete our Cattle Slats are manufactured with a durable and smooth yet non-slip surface. We create our products with animal safety as our priority, ensuring it improves their welfare.

Slipping is a major welfare concern, and injuries from falls can be a significant financial loss to farms. Ask our team about our SUREFOOT Slip-Resistant Slats which provide 50% more grip than a conventional brushed finish.

Our precast livestock suspended flooring systems incorporate cubicle bases and end walls, slurry channel systems, prestressed support beams and passage covers.

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For further information regarding Cattle Slats Please contact a member of our agriculture Sales Team on 028 2565 2566, Ext 1
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  • Features & Specifications
  • Product Dimensions

    Cattle Slats Dimensions

    Slat Type Width
    Loading Capacity
    Cattle Slat
    7 Ribs x 178d
    1190 178 (7") 40 1220 (4') - 3960 (13') in 150mm increments

    4115 (13'6") - 4572 (15') in 150mm increments
    TB, HDa

    Cattle Slat
    6 Ribs x 250d
    1200 250 (10") 40 2745 (9') - 4875 (16') in 305mm increments

    5000 (16'5")
    TB, HDc
    Young Stock Slat
    7 Ribs x 178d
    1200 178 (7") 30 2440 (8') - 3960 (13') in 150mm increments

    4115 (13'6") - 4572 (15') in 150mm increments
    TB, HDa

    Multi Purpose Slat 1140 178 (7") 20 2440 (8') - 3960 (13') in 305mm increments 2.5 ton axle loading
    Straw Bedding Slat 1200 178 (7") 15 2745 (9') - 4572 (15') in 305 increments HDa, HDb

    Moore Concrete are proud to be one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of high quality precast building products. The table above shows our range of precast concrete slatted flooring slats including single, cattle, young stock, multi-purpose and straw-bedding precast slats.


    Cattle Bearing up to 800kg (CB)
    Tractor bearing up to 4.5 ton axle loading (TB)
    Heavy duty up to 6.0 ton axle loading (HDa)
    Heavy duty up to 8.0 ton axle loading (HDb)
    Heavy duty up to 10.0 ton axle loading (HDc)

    *Solid Safety Slats available
    Complete with concrete & galvanised grid. Galvanised Inserts available upon request.

Cattle Slats Dimensions

Slat Type Width
Loading Capacity
Cattle Slat
7 Ribs x 178d
1190 178 (7") 40 1220 (4') - 3960 (13') in 150mm increments

4115 (13'6") - 4572 (15') in 150mm increments

Cattle Slat
6 Ribs x 250d
1200 250 (10") 40 2745 (9') - 4875 (16') in 305mm increments

5000 (16'5")
Young Stock Slat
7 Ribs x 178d
1200 178 (7") 30 2440 (8') - 3960 (13') in 150mm increments

4115 (13'6") - 4572 (15') in 150mm increments

Multi Purpose Slat 1140 178 (7") 20 2440 (8') - 3960 (13') in 305mm increments 2.5 ton axle loading
Straw Bedding Slat 1200 178 (7") 15 2745 (9') - 4572 (15') in 305 increments HDa, HDb

Moore Concrete are proud to be one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of high quality precast building products. The table above shows our range of precast concrete slatted flooring slats including single, cattle, young stock, multi-purpose and straw-bedding precast slats.


Cattle Bearing up to 800kg (CB)
Tractor bearing up to 4.5 ton axle loading (TB)
Heavy duty up to 6.0 ton axle loading (HDa)
Heavy duty up to 8.0 ton axle loading (HDb)
Heavy duty up to 10.0 ton axle loading (HDc)

*Solid Safety Slats available
Complete with concrete & galvanised grid. Galvanised Inserts available upon request.

Cattle slats design and handling instructions

All slats are CE Marked and Manufactured to EN 12737. Full specification is available in the Declaration of Performance.

Customers should lift and handle units either by under-slinging with web slings or lifting directly with appropriate mechanical lifting equipment, such as a telescopic handler. Lifting loops will correspond to the load being lifted. Slats should be laid on a smooth level surface. For more details please refer to our Storage and Handling Instructions.

Example Axle Loading Calculation

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