
Livestock Housing Alan & Tomas Boyle

Livestock Housing Alan & Tomas Boyle

Alan and Tomas Boyle milk 240 cows on the Ards Peninsula in Co. Down. Like many other dairy farmers across Northern Ireland the father and son team believe there is a strong future in milk and have invested accordingly. Last October saw their herd move into winter accommodation, which included a new slatted shed extension, containing 152 cubicles, enabling the entire herd to be managed as a single group.

Alan and Tomas opted for the Moore Concrete slat range and Cubicle Beds. They also specified the new Moore Concrete Cubicle End Walls, which have been a tremendous feature of the new house. Tomas was also very impressed with the finish on the slats and has noticed a reduction in feet problems over the following six months.

Co. Down

January 2012


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