
Concrete Water Channels and Road Gullies

Concrete Water Channels  & Road Gullies

We have an extensive range of Concrete Drainage Channels and Road Gullies suitable for the effective management of wastewater on site.

Precast Concrete Drainage Channels

Having good drainage is an important factor in ensuring that the required level of service and value for money are obtained. Our Concrete Water Channels are designed to ensurer they are accessible for inspection and maintenance and that overall they are effective for management of wastewater.

Concrete Water Channels
Water channels are open topped and used to redirect rain or surface waste water on site. They are suitable for both domestic and commercial use.

Slotted Top Concrete Drainage Channels
Slotted Top Drainage Channels are suitable for pedestrian precincts, driveways, industrial areas and commercial developments. Channels can be connected to our silt boxes by a plastic pipe.

Concrete Road Gullies
Untrapped gullies and silt boxes (square) are used for collection of surface water. Silt Boxes come with one hole tapped out, the remaining three can be tapped out if required.

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For further information regarding Concrete Water Channels and Road Gullies Please contact a member of our building Sales Team on 028 2565 2566, Ext 2
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Water Channels

Size Length
Depth of Dish
6” x 2” 610 150 50 12
6” x 3” 610 160 75 25
10” x 5” 915 255 125 15
water channel and road gullies | Moore Concrete

Slotted Drainage Channel

Slotted Drainage Channel Length
915 225 255
Water Channels and Road Gullies | Moore Concrete

Silt Box

Silt Box Length
540 465 450

Untrapped Gully

Untrapped Gully Length
510 440 830
Water Channels and Road Gullies Untrapped Road Gullies Moore Concrete | Moore Concrete

Gully Surround

Size Thickness
Internal Length
9” x 7” 70 180 230 70
9” x 9” 70 230 230 70
7” x 7” 135 180 180 70
10” x 7” 135 165 255 70
  • Features & Specifications
  • Delivery

    For further information regarding Concrete Water Channels and Road Gullies please contact a member of our Building sales team on 028 2565 2566, Ext 2. Delivery available throughout the UK & Ireland.

For further information regarding Concrete Water Channels and Road Gullies please contact a member of our Building sales team on 028 2565 2566, Ext 2. Delivery available throughout the UK & Ireland.

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