
The Scottish Government has announced amendments to the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011. So what are the need to knows?
Below are a list of the key amendments Scottish farmers need to be aware of:
⇒Broadcast spreading of slurries by splash plates is being phased out over a 5-year period in favor of low emission, precision spreading equipment.
⇒Farmers are obligated to comply with the Risk Assessment for Manures and Slurries (RAMS)
⇒Slurry stores built prior to 1991 – providing they are fit for purpose – can still be retained.
⇒Farms must have adequate slurry storage – 22 weeks for those keeping cattle and 26 weeks for pigs.
⇒New, substantially reconstructed or enlarged silos/slurry stores/liquid digestate stores from 1 January 2022 must have a life expectancy of at least 20 years, with proper maintenance. SEPA must also be notified prior to commencing the works.
⇒Where liquid digestate is produced on the farm and where liquid digestate is imported onto a farm, there must be sufficient storage capacity on the farm during periods when application is not authorised under activity 18 of the regulations or would not comply with the requirements of the Action Programme for Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (Scotland) Regulations 2008(b).
Here at Moore Concrete we offer a complete service for Slurry Stores – supply & construction of materials for both the base & store. Every store is inspected by a Chartered Engineer both pre & post construction.
For more info click here or get in touch:
#AboveGroundSlurryStore #SlurryStore #SlurryScotland #ScottishFarming