
Prestressed Wall Panels Simpson Farm

Prestressed Wall Panels Simpson Farm

Like many other milk producers across Northern Ireland, Broughshane producer Stephen Simpson recognises the significance of making the right investment decisions for the farm. Currently milking 130 cows with his father Robert, the family-owned herd is averaging 8,000L with good fat and protein levels.

The father and son team are fully aware of the need to provide their stock with the maximum levels of comfort at all times. With this in mind, they recently completed a new shed for their dry cows and bulling heifers.

“It really was a case of providing more room and comfort for the stock on the farm. The new facility also provides more space for the milking group on the farm,” said Stephen.

The new shed, which is now completed, is 60’ long and 40’ wide. One of the biggest decisions taken by the Simpsons related to the type of walling system they would use on the new house.

“It really wasn’t a difficult choice to make at the end of the day. We wanted to get the job done as quickly as possible. But we didn’t want to compromise on the quality of the finished building,” Stephen explained. “Given these circumstances, selecting the precast wall panels manufactured by Moore Concrete was the obvious choice to make.

“We had worked with the company before and were very satisfied with the quality of their products. Once the RSJs for the new building were in place, the panels were slotted into position within a very short space of time.

“The quality of finish on the panels is such that the finished building also has a very high aesthetic value.”

Stephen Simpson

Co Antrim

April 2019


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