
Above Ground Store Rob Gallagher

Above Ground Store Rob Gallagher

“It is our intention to use the Above Ground tank to store the digestate produced as a result of the digestion process. It is located adjacent to the grassland area from which we will produce the grass silage feed stock for the digestor.”

“Our aim is to pump the digestate onto the land using an umbilical system. The store itself will be filled using standard tankers with a top fill mechanism. Currently, it is filled with slurry, some of which will be used to initially pump prime the digestor: the remainder will be spread on the grassland area.”

“We opted for the Above Ground Store as it represented the most cost effective way of storing the digestate that will be produced on an ongoing basis, once the digestor is commissioned.”

The store has a diameter of 25m with the walls made up of 6m high precast panels, each 1.8m in breadth.

Rob Gallagher confirmed that it took six weeks to complete the construction of the store. “But this included breaks for bad weather and the Christmas holidays,” he said.

“We prepared the base, levelling it off with 6 inches of stone. The Moore Concrete team then put in the steel re-enforcing for the floor and poured the concrete.

“The erection of the panels took a relatively small number of days,” confirmed Rob.


April 2015


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