
Sea Walls and Ramps Hinkley Point C

Sea Walls and Ramps Hinkley Point C

Year: 2018-2019
Client: Nuclear New Build Generation (EDF Energy)
Main Contractor: KierBAM JV
Project Value: £825K


The first new nuclear power station to be built in the UK in over 20 years; Hinkley Point C in Somerset will provide low-carbon electricity for around 6 million homes, create thousands of jobs and bring lasting benefits to the UK economy.

The specification of the sea wall required precast units in conjunction with insitu works to be suitable to protect the nuclear facility against a 1 in 10,000-year natural hazard, such as tides, storm surges and tsunami as isolated or in-combination event.

Moore Concrete was awarded the contract to manufacture bespoke sea walls designed for the specific wave action experienced at the site located on the Somerset coast. A total of 780m of the sea wall were produced in order to protect the length of the site which runs along the coastline.

Given the combination of nuclear and marine environments, Moore Concrete developed a specific mix design in order to meet both the structural and architectural requirements of the scheme. Over 300 wave walls were manufactured for the scheme and more than 20-unit types were identified, giving the ability for the wall to follow the site boundary: changing direction and stepping back at various intervals.

Due to the large number and variation of units it was vital that, when installed, each wall would fit together giving the impression of a continuous wall along the entire arrangement.

Moore Concrete implemented its strictest quality control procedures in order to ensure every element was manufactured in conformity with the project specifications.
As part of the works contract, modular access and vehicle ramps comprising of over 80 individual precast units were manufactured along with stairs and landings allowing access to the purpose built jetty for the construction of the scheme. All vehicle and pedestrian ramps were cast with a high specification uniform anti-slip finish created through use of a mould liner to ensure the highest degree of health and safety for the duration of the elements’ design life.


December 2018

Civil & Commercial

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