
Demand For Timberless Fencing Systems Continues To Grow

Farmers and contractors are confirming a strong preference for timberless fencing systems at the present time. In part, this is due to the recent banning of creosote as a wood preservative.

Yet, what holds greater importance is the acknowledgment at farm level that opting for a fence with a lifespan of 30 to 50 years, as opposed to 10 years or less, presents a significantly more cost-effective and efficient solution.

Aligning with this trend is the growing demand for Moore Concrete’s Ox Fence system: it comprises both precast Ox Strain and Ox Post components.

The Ox Strain (strainer posts) are designed to last for 50 years while the Ox Post (intermediate post) have a design life of 30 years. Both elements can be driven directly into the ground with a standard post driver.

Both the Ox Strain and Ox Post include a cast-in, 1.29m nailing strip, which is embedded into the face of the concrete post.

These strips are made from recycled plastic, materials such as old CD cases that would otherwise end up in landfill or incinerators.  The result is a durable, zero-maintenance product with a reduced carbon footprint.

The complete product range comprises of strainers, intermediate posts and struts. All of the elements comprising the Ox Fence system are available from your local Mole Valley Farmers branch.

When used to establish a complete fencing system the end result, is a totally fit-for-purpose solution that is extremely pleasing on the eye.

The strainer and post can be put in place using a standard post driver. This must be used in combination with a ‘Top Hat’ when placing the Ox Strain post in the ground and a ‘Driving Cup’, where the placement of the Ox Post is concerned.

Moore Concrete Ox Posts are designed and load tested by Chartered Engineers in accordance with EN 1992; Eurocode 2 and manufactured in accordance with BS EN 12839:2012 Precast concrete products – Elements for fences.

In terms of spacings, the centre-to-centre distance between intermediate posts, when being used for a mesh or wire fence, should not exceed 3.0m.

Ox Strain Posts – must be set at centres not exceeding 150 metres or at each change in direction or gradient.

Contact your nearest Mole Valley Farmers today for more information.

April 2024


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