
Above Ground Store CAFRE Greenmount

Above Ground Store CAFRE Greenmount

We supplied and constructed 2 Nr. Bases and Post Tensioned Above Ground Stores for Whitemountain Quarries Ltd at CAFRE’s Greenmount Campus, each with a capacity of 1692m3.

These stores were constructed using 33 Nr. 6.0m precast concrete elements. A number of these elements incorporated holes to facilitate the pipework for slurry input as well as the bubbler system. Both stores were connected to a 22.3m3 (5000 Gal) Reception Tank using 305mm pipe which incorporated 2 Nr. 305mm Sluice Valves.

Each tank diameter is 18.84m with a footprint of 201m2. Furthermore, each store contains a customised 150mm underwall draw off including 2 Nr. Valves, its own platform and ladder and a Lundsby Polyester/PVC Soft Cover mounted on a central mast.

Co. Antrim

September 2015


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