
Prestressed Wall Panels Bryan Watton

Prestressed Wall Panels Bryan Watton

Bryan Watton milks 200 Holstein/Friesian cows with his son Mark on a totally self-contained farm near Ballybogey in North Co Antrim. The Watton’s recently constructed a bespoke calf rearing facility within a building that also accommodates machinery and grain storage facilities.

“All the calves born on the farm are kept, either as heifer replacements or reared through to beef,” Bryan confirmed. “So it’s important to give them the best possible start. The new building allows us to do exactly this.”

The Watton’s also decided to build a new wall, 60 metres in length and 8 feet high, adjacent to the yard and along the B62 road.
“We built the wall for a number of reasons. Increased privacy and security were well up our list of priorities,” said Bryan.
“The B62 is one of the main roads used by motorists travelling from Belfast to Portrush. We were also conscious that we grazed young bulls in the fields adjacent to the road. So lessening the opportunities for the animal to break out was another reason for going ahead with the wall.

“A total of 20 panels were used to build the wall with a further 40 used in the construction of the new shed.

“We have worked with Moore Concrete for many years. What particularly attracted us to using the panels is the fact that they can be put in place within a very short space of time. They also come with a very high-quality finish.”

Bryan Watton

Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland

August 2019


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