
Black Esk Weir

Black Esk Weir

We were delighted to be presented with a Certificate of Excellence from the Concrete Society for our work at Black Esk Wier, Scotland.

Black Esk Reservoir sits on the course of the Black Esk River, and is a primary water resource serving the population of Lockerbie and the surrounding area.
The scope of the scheme, developed in association with the main contractor Black & Veatch and Scottish Water, was to increase the overall water levels of existing Dam by 2.5m increasing the capacity of the reservoir by nearly one billion Litres.

As it is exists, the original spillway which controls the existing water levels sits in the body of the reservoir and basically acts like a large plug hole.
The designed solution involved the manufacture of 24Nr Precast Concrete Piano Key Sections, Ballast and Debris boom Sections to form a circular extension on the existing spillway.

While this style of design has been utilised in Europe it is the first adoption of Piano Key weirs in the UK.


December 2013

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